
My birthday beauty wish list

Thursday 29 October 2015

Today is exactly one week until my birthday. So I thought I'll share my organic beauty wish list with you. 

On turning 31 this year. When I was younger, I used to hate it when my parents said they didn't want anything for their birthday. How could someone not want everything. I could go into any shop and pick out at least 10 things I wanted. As I've grown older I'm finding myself becoming more like my parents. When friends and family asks me what I want for my birthday, I can't really think of anything I want. The only thing I always want is organic beauty and makeup products. So here is my wish list for my 31st birthday. 

1) Kjaer Weis - the essential trio
To be honest if, I get anything from Kjaer Weis I'll be happy. I'm yet to try her stylish and amazing (so I heard) products. 

2) ZAO organic makeup - lipstick
You might have noticed me ramble on about ZAO lipsticks on various social media. I love them so much I want more. I also would like to try more of their products. So I've added to my wish list the compact foundation as well. 

3) Olympus pen - camera
It might not pass as a beauty product. But I will be able to take beautiful pictures of all my makeup.

4) Kerstin Tillberg - mug
Ok, another non beauty related product. But it's so pretty and how cool would I look if I was sipping my tea from this in my videos. It's a perfect beauty prop for my blog. 

5) Suti - face cream
This is my favourite face cream of all times and I would love a new bottle as I've recently finished one. 

6) Couleur Caramel - blusher 
I keep hearing about this brand and would love to try some of their products. I need a new blusher and how cute is this packaging? 

7) Maria Åkerberg - eyeshadows
There's no secret I love Maria Åkerberg's products. And I want some new eye shadows. To be honest I want them all. 

That's my wish list. 

Do you have your birthday soon? Or have you started your wish list for Christmas yet? What do you wish for? 


  1. Hope you get lots of these for your Birthday! So many people want the Olympus pen and I can see why, such a gorgeous, nifty camera!

    Musings & More

    1. Thank you! I hope so too. I know everyone's having Olympus pen but they're so good and I need a new camera so why not right?


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