
Review | Maria Åkerberg Foundation, eyeliner and hand cream

Friday 8 May 2015

I recently went home to Sweden and did some shopping. I was looking forward to trying Maria Åkerberg make-up and I was not disappointed.

Maria Åkerberg is a small Swedish brand using organic Swedish produced products trying to educate their consumers into building a more sustainable future together.
This is what I got.


Anyone else hate buying foundation? Every time I need a new foundation I can never get it right. Even with help from a shop assistant. Either I'm too orange or it's too pale and I look like a ghost.
So with Maria Åkerberg and the fact she only has 3 different shades of foundation I thought there's no way. But the cold is perfect for my skin colour. Maybe it's just my Swedish complexion that all these brands can't get right, but Maria Åkerberg got it on point. I had to go back and get a second bottle just in case I run out before I go back to Sweden.

The foundation blends really nice on to the skin and looks really natural. It doesn't feel too heavy, you know some foundations feels like you've got a mask on.


This is the best eyeliner I've ever used much better than Mac and all those brands everyone raving about. It is so smooth to apply and sits really well for a long time. My eyeliner always smudges and drops and make me look like I got punched. So to finally find an eyeliner that doesn't do that makes me so happy.

My hands was getting really dry so I ended up buying this hand cream. It solved my problem and is actually a decent hand cream. It smells nice with orange and cardamom.

Swedish readers to tell me what's your favourites by Maria Åkerberg are so I can stock up when I go next. And for everyone else tell me what your favourite brands are? Or do you rather join me to Sweden next time? 

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