
How to look after your hair in the sun

Friday 29 May 2015

Finally, the time of the year is around the corner. Sunshine, the sunshine and hopefully more sunshine. Not to forget all the amazing holidays, whether it will be on a beach or a city break it should be hot right. Ok so I'm sure you thought about all the cool clothes you're going to wear, you got your sandals, bikinis etc. But what about your hair?

We take a lot of care to apply sun lotions to protect our skin and so we should, but what about our hair. While sea salt water and chlorine in the pool can all spell disaster for the hair, it's the sun's rays which cause most damage - whether you've dyed your hair or not. Ultra-violet (UV) light penetrates the hair shaft and damages its structure, just as it does to the skin. UV breaks down specific amino acids - the building blocks of protein - which hair is mostly made up of. A loss of these has been shown to have a negative impact on the natural shine and strength of the hair, leaving it duller, weaker and less elastic. It also causes a form of lightening in the overall hair colour. Even if your hair colour hasn't faded doesn't mean your hair isn't damaged. Harmful rays not only shorten the lifespan of dyed hair but can also damage the structure of our hair.

I've put together a list of tips on how to protect your hair from the sun this summer.

1. Wear a hat
If you want to protect your hair colour from fading in the sun make sure you're wearing a hat. The bigger the brim the better. Hats protect the hair from getting damaged and sun bleached. It also protects your scalp from being burnt and possibly damage your hair follicles. Alternatively you can use a head scarf.

2. Apply conditioner
When hair is wet apply conditioner to your hair without rinsing it. Leaving the conditioner in your hair protects it from drying out from the sun and also good for jumping in the pool or sea. Rinse it out in the evening and you'll notice your hair had a great treatment and feels nice and soft. The heat from the sun will open the hair cuticles and help the conditioner to penetrate better. When on holiday, I like to apply conditioner and then either put it up in a messy bun or a plait to keep it in control for the day.

3. Regular treatments
To look after your sun-damaged hair use deep conditioning treatments regularly, at least once a week. Coconut oil is great to use as a treatment. Leave it on as long as possible.

4. Use products with UV protectants
Apply leave-in conditioner or styling products with UV protection before going out in the sun. These products block some of the dangerous rays from the sun.

5. Rinse your hair after swimming
Make sure you rinse your hair thoroughly with just water after swimming in a pool or the sea to remove all salt and chlorinated water.

I hope this will help you to look after your hair this summer and prevent it from fading and breaking.

What are some of the things you do to protect your hair in the summer? 
If you have any more questions on how to look after your hair on your holiday please leave a comment below. 

How To.... French Plait Fringe with Fishtail Plait

Tuesday 26 May 2015

I this video I'm doing a French plait fringe and a side fishtail plait. I love mixing different style plaits together but they're great by themselves too. Plaiting your fringe is a great way to get your fringe out of your way but still looking nice.

Hope you enjoy it!❤

Click here to watch my last vlog:

Thank you so much for watching! ❤

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Review | Suti - Cleansing balm

Friday 22 May 2015

I received this cleansing balm from Suti as a thank you for my last review. I was really excited as it's been on my wish list for a while and I've heard wonderful things about it.

Again Suti continues to impress me with their products and maybe it's because they using reiki and meditation in the process of making their products, that they stand out from the crowd. It has a calming effect to both my skin and body.

I only need to apply the smallest amount on my skin, which makes it last a long time. The cleanser comes with a cloth which I soak and put on my face to then massage my face and then rinse off.

It cleanses and protects the skin and getting rid of impurities and removes dead skin cells. It leaves the skin feeling refreshed and pampered.

When applying the balm it melts onto my skin and absorbs easily, which leaves my skin feeling clean and so soft. It feels more moisturised than greasy than some cleansers can do. 
It has a beautiful smell with the blend of mandarin, lime and lavender. It has a very calming effect and the avocado makes the skin feel amazing. Even after rinsing, my skin is so soft which isn't normally the case when I use cleansers. 

The Suti's cleanser is such a beautiful product, not just the balm and it's an amazing smell, but even the glass jar is beautiful. 

The Suti cleanser has definitely made it onto my regular evening skincare routine. What cleanser do you use? 

Huge Spring/Summer Topshop Haul!! | Sara Steele

Tuesday 19 May 2015

Huge Spring/Summer Topshop Haul!! | Sara Steele

I had a personal shopping experience at Topshop with personal shopper Lauren. This video I'm showing the stuff I bought. 

It's loads of things.


Click here to watch my last vlog:

1. Oversized white shirt
2. Denim skirt
3. Leopard top
4. Shorts with pockets
5. Necklace
6. Top
7. Pyjamas shirt dress
8. Clogs/shoes
9. Dress

And it's all from Topshop

Thank you so much for watching! ❤

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Wedding Hair That I Like | Sara Steele

Sunday 17 May 2015

The wedding season has officially started and I thought I put together a little board of hair inspiration for all you gorgeous brides.

I love styling wedding hair as it's so amazing to be part of someone's special day.

Have you thought of how you're having your hair yet?
Or if you are a guest at any weddings this summer what are some of the styles you do?

If you want more inspiration follow me on Pinterest

What I learned running my first half marathon #healthysara | Sara Steele

Friday 15 May 2015

I know this is a hair and beauty blog so I will go completely off topic here. But in a way exercise is key to looking after your body, skin and hair so in a way not too much. As I've recently completed my first half marathon I wanted to share what I've learned so bare with me for this one.

Just over a year ago I decided to sign up for my first 5k and who could believe that 1 year later I would be running a half marathon. It's been an amazing journey with both ups and downs and I've decided to share some of the things I've learned on the way. I'm not going to give you lots of expert tips because I will leave those to the experts. I love reading all the tips from runners world.

Believe that you can
I used to be one of those people who said I could never run a 10k and no way a half marathon and here I am today and I've done both. The only thing stopping you is you, so start believing in yourself and you will see amazing things happen.

London is beautiful
I've seen so much of London that I wouldn't have if it wasn't for running. Random streets with the most amazing houses, beautiful parks, sunrise on an early Sunday morning and running by the Thames just takes your breath away.

Start slow
Your training is not a race. Going in too hard is just going to get you injured as your body isn't ready. Don't push yourself too hard. Don't sign up to a marathon but start with a 5k and work yourself up. Set small goals and be proud of everything you achieve however small.

When hurting - stop
I did the mistake of ignoring any pain and just kept going and that kept me off running for weeks. Now if I feel an uncomfortable pain I just stop and within days I'm back. Always listen to your body.

Find what works for you
I don't follow a plan religiously. I have a busy life and I fit in the runs when it works for me. You have to find what works for you or you'll get discouraged and stop.

Warm up and cool down
Every time I'm lazy and not warming up properly before a run I know I will regret it later with an injury so always make time for warm up and stretch after.

Shoes are so important
I was badly advised in regards to my first running shoes so this lead to injuries, but I invested in another pair and got getting better advice and made so such of a difference. Your trainers are the most important equipment so worth to invest in and do your research.

It makes you feel and look amazing
At first you might not notice a big difference but a year in my whole body shape is different. I'm leaner and feel so much stronger. It makes me feel great about myself.

The feeling after a run 
This is the best feeling ever. Feeling complete empty after a long run and being so pleased with your accomplishment before most people even got out of bed. Whenever I don't want to get up I remind myself of the feeling after and it makes it so much easier to lace up my shoes and go.
And not forget all the food you will eat after.

The extra hardcore points when you run in freezing cold rain 
Something I thought I'd never do. It might be hard to convince yourself when you lie in bed to get up and go out in the cold and rain for a run. But it's worth it. Now I love running in the rain and it does make you feel extra hardcore.

Love your foam roller 
Seriously your foam roller will become your best friend. It makes the recovery time a lot speedier. I always use it as part of my stretching.

Massage is the best recovery
I don't understand runners who don't get a regular sports massage. I go once a month and it makes all the difference. Especially after a race.

Don't get hype
It's so easy when a race starts and everyone flies off to run really fast and use up all your energy the first two miles. I know I did in my first 10k race. Pace yourself. I try and single out one or two people

Running is fun
I love running. I enjoy it and it gives me the time I need. I can clear my head and makes me feel positive about the day ahead. I never thought 2 hrs of running would go so quickly, but I'm always surprised that I've been running for so long. I easily forget I'm even running at the moment because I'm so deep in thoughts.
But maybe not everyone will share your enthusiasm.

Music will keep you going
Sometimes I think I've got nothing left and then an amazing tune comes on and I get all this extra energy and all of a sudden I can run for another half hour no problem. I often change up my running list of tunes and sometimes plan one specifically for a race to get me going that extra faster.

Other runners will inspire you
I love running by the Thames and constantly see other runners every few seconds, which inspired me to keep going.
Not mentioning at race time just as the race has started and everyone spreading out and seeing all those people ahead of you and behind you and knowing we are all doing this together. It gets me every time

It's addictive
Before you know it you've signed up to your next race. I know I already have.
Have you got any tips to share or just want to boast about a recent achievement please leave a comment below. I would love to hear it all. 

How To: Quick & Easy Double Dutch Plait

Tuesday 12 May 2015

In this video I will show you how to do a double dutch plait with a knotted bun in the back.


Click here to watch my last vlog:

Previous Hairstyle Tutorials

How To: Dutch Plait/Braid | Sara Steele

How To... Do A Messy Bun | Sara Steele

Thank you so much for watching! ❤

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Review | Maria Ã…kerberg Foundation, eyeliner and hand cream

Friday 8 May 2015

I recently went home to Sweden and did some shopping. I was looking forward to trying Maria Ã…kerberg make-up and I was not disappointed.

Maria Ã…kerberg is a small Swedish brand using organic Swedish produced products trying to educate their consumers into building a more sustainable future together.
This is what I got.


Anyone else hate buying foundation? Every time I need a new foundation I can never get it right. Even with help from a shop assistant. Either I'm too orange or it's too pale and I look like a ghost.
So with Maria Ã…kerberg and the fact she only has 3 different shades of foundation I thought there's no way. But the cold is perfect for my skin colour. Maybe it's just my Swedish complexion that all these brands can't get right, but Maria Ã…kerberg got it on point. I had to go back and get a second bottle just in case I run out before I go back to Sweden.

The foundation blends really nice on to the skin and looks really natural. It doesn't feel too heavy, you know some foundations feels like you've got a mask on.


This is the best eyeliner I've ever used much better than Mac and all those brands everyone raving about. It is so smooth to apply and sits really well for a long time. My eyeliner always smudges and drops and make me look like I got punched. So to finally find an eyeliner that doesn't do that makes me so happy.

My hands was getting really dry so I ended up buying this hand cream. It solved my problem and is actually a decent hand cream. It smells nice with orange and cardamom.

Swedish readers to tell me what's your favourites by Maria Ã…kerberg are so I can stock up when I go next. And for everyone else tell me what your favourite brands are? Or do you rather join me to Sweden next time? 


Tuesday 5 May 2015

Every three months I go to Stockholm to do hair, seeing friends and family and of course having bit of time for shopping. In my Swedish haul I'll be showing you all the amazing things I bought on my trip.

Enjoy! ❤

Click here to watch my last vlog:


Swedish Haul

1. Purple throw and candle holder from Indiska
2. Running leggings Energetics from Inter sport
3. Tea Gamla Stan & Gotlands kärlekste
4. C/O Gerd B2 Hair serum
5. Organic Jeans, Black two + Black and white top and pink socks from Weekdays
6. Salt liquorice ice cream sprinkle from Hemköp
7. Sandals from Din sko
8. Maria Ã…kerberg foundation, eyeliner and hand cream
9. Lagom är bäst lakrits from Hemköp
10. Magazines - Allers, Chic, Plaza kvinna and Styleby

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Review | Jåsön sun sport

Sunday 3 May 2015

Review | Jåsön sun sport

We are slowly moving into summer, sunshine and it is time to find a sunscreen. It's not only for when you go on sun holiday but also needed in England. It's important to protect your skin from dangerous UV lights. When you spend time in the sun it increases your risk of skin cancer and early skin ageing. So protecting yourself is crucial.

I use Jåsön sun sport SPF 45 as I use it when I'm out running and need a stronger and water resistant lotion as I want it to protect me even when I sweat and also perfect for beach holiday when jumping in the sea as well. Hopefully, there'll be a holiday sometime this year.

Jåsön is like the dinosaur of natural hair and skin care. They've been around for a long time. Long before it got popular to be natural and organic and they are a well-established brand, so compared to the dinosaurs I don't think Jåsön is going anywhere.

Jåsön sunscreen is free from parabens, SLS, petrolatum, artificial colours and phthalates. So not only protecting your skin on the outside but is not dangerous for your inside either. As the skin is our biggest organ and absorbs anything you put on it, it's so important to stay away from products full of toxins.

Review | Jåsön sun sport

The first things I noticed about the sun lotion was the bright orange packaging and the smell. It smells so nice. I think it smells a bit of coconut and holiday. I have tried many different types of sunscreens in my days and no other smells as good as this one. It feels nice on the skin as well.

I've used it for many of my runs lately and hopefully will bring it on holiday soon.

Do you use sunscreen? Which one do you like?

APRIL FAVOURITES | sara steele

Friday 1 May 2015

This video is my April favourites. Meaning things I have enjoyed in April. I love this time of year when seasons are changing so lots of new great things to bring out in the sun.

Enjoy! ❤

Click here to watch my last vlog:

April Favourites

1. Carebear Mug
2. Radius - Floss Sachets
3. New Look - Black Cross Strap Chunky Espadrille Sandals
4. Suti - Facial Cleansing Balm
5. Kimono - Cloudy Floral Print
5. Jason Sun - Sport Suncream
6. Recoffee - Moisturising Shampoo
7. Ilia - Pink Kashmir
8. Run Hackney Half Marathon - Running bib

Thank you so much for watching! ❤

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