
June Favourites 2015 - Whole Foods + Sukin Body Lotion

Tuesday, 30 June 2015


So, half the year has gone, which means it's end of June and I'm doing my June favourites.

June has been a great month.  I haven't done much shopping this month so I decided to show you things that I've enjoyed in the month of June new or old.

Click here to watch my last vlog:


June Favourites

1. Tea - green tea and coconut from  Higher Living
Holland & Barrett

2. Book - The sunrise by Victoria Hislop

3. Peppermint facial spritz - Suti

4. Running top - Nike - Run London

5. Coconut & Raspberry chocolate - Seed & Bean chocolate

6. Body lotion - Sukin

7. Strawberries - Borough Market

Tell me some things you've enjoyed in the month of June

Thank you for watching and please don't forget to subscribe.

Review | c/o Gerd B2 Hair SERUM

Sunday, 28 June 2015

I bought the c/o Gerd serum a while back and I thought it's time to do a review. I bought it back in Sweden and there's few reasons why I bought it.

1. It's organic
2. It's made in Lapland and I lived there before and I love everything about it.
3. It's made from blueberries and blueberries are amazing.

If you, like me, never heard of c/o Gerd it's because it's a small Swedish brand. Owned by two siblings, named after their mum. It's based in northern Sweden using raw ingredients from Swedish Lapland.

At first glance the product look like a medicine bottle with it's dark tinted bottle and bright blue label. Being in a health food store didn't help. But reading on the bottle and the information about the company next to the products made me intrigued. (See all the reasons why I I bought it.) After sampling all their products I decided to buy the Serum.

The serum smells more of citrus than blueberries, but it still smells great.

The serum is a light creamy liquid and easy to apply. Most of the time I apply it on wet hair after I washed my hair, but sometimes I apply it on dry hair to give it a shine, especially for my dry ends.

The serum makes my hair feeling soft and gives it a nice shine. It absorbs in to the hair and doesn't feel greasy or sticky after. I think it's almost more like a leave in conditioner.

I'm pleased with this product and will definitely look in to other products in their range.

For more information

What hair products are you loving at the moment? 

Exciting news

Friday, 26 June 2015

This week has been an exciting week of Sara Steele. First of all the salon I work in (Natural Colour Works) has been moving location. From a quiet street in Soho to the busy and vibrant street Berwick street. I love working in Soho and being in a place that reflects the cool and trendy Soho makes me proud. I must say the new salon is looking good. We are a natural colour salon using natural and organic products. I think the new look reflects us really well. 

Moving on to a more personal news. With the big move, I was promoted to senior stylist.
I've been working with Bradley and Scott (my bosses) for 9 years as I started when doing my training and then moved up to a stylist. Moving up to senior stylist has been a long time coming. I know many of my clients thought I was senior already.

I'm hoping that most of my clients will follow me.  I love my job and what I do. It's no greater joy than when I get that colour and cut right and seeing my clients smile getting bigger and bigger. It's such s satisfaction to make other people feeling good about themselves.

Being a senior stylist in a brand new and beautiful salon feels great and exciting. I'm lucky to work with a great team too.

Advice from a senior stylist is to never give up, be patient, continue to always improve yourself and love what you do.

What do you think of our new Salon? 

How To: Quick & Easy Hairstyles - Wedding Edition

Tuesday, 23 June 2015

In this video I'm showing 2 quick and easy hairstyles for special occasions like for attending a wedding, as wedding season is upon us or any other occasion you want to look fab.  

Click here to watch my last vlog:

The styles are
1. Low loose bun
2. Plaited loose bun

The tools I used was
1. Elastic bands - Sally's
2. Bobby pins - hair tools
3. Pin tail comb - Lotus

Hope you'll enjoy it and please try them out and let me know what you think.

Thank you for watching and please don't forget to subscribe.


Review | Sukin hydrating body lotion & Aloe Vera gel

Sunday, 21 June 2015

I recently went to buy my first Sukin product, a body lotion. When I got home I had an email asking me to try their aloe vera gel to review. I was only a little freaked out. Like had they just been stalking me in Wholefoods? Probably not. To be honest I was more happy than freaked out. Anyway I've decided to review both of the products here.

Sukin - hydrating body lotion

Reason why I chose Sukin was because it's free from so many nasties like -
  • parabens, 
  • SLS, 
  • animal derivatives, 
  • synthetic fragrances, 
  • artificial colours I can go on and on
I have a normal skin type with tendencies towards dry and this lotion feels nice and refreshing on my skin. It's for all skin types. It's light and sinks into the skin quickly. The lotion smells a bit citrusy and fresh, perfect for summer I think. This makes sense as some of the ingredients are citrus fruits like lime and grapefruit it also contains avocado, nettle and rose hip.

I'm a bit funny with trying new body lotions because I had few irritated skin accidents in the past. But Sukin body lotion is a new favourite of mine.

I like the bottle with the pump that squirt out just the right amount to apply to my skin. It's a lovely dark tinted bottle with a a label that gives an organic look to the product.

Sukin - Aloe Vera gel

Aloe Vera gel is great to use for after the sun, to cool and soothe the skin. unfortunately, I haven't had much chance to try it for that purpose as living in the UK. But I can tell it's going to be great for it so I'm bringing it to my holidays this summer.

The Aloe Vera gel is good to use for dry and irritated skin and after you've shaved as it soothes your skin.

I must say that it does soothe the skin especially after shaving my legs it was such a nice feeling to put the gel on. The gel is light and sinks into the skin easily and my legs feel great.

I wished I had the Aloe Vera gel earlier as great to use for irritated skin. I'm even thinking all those time I've burned my skin whilst cooking this would work miracles.

Again it's a nice bottle with a pump that makes it easy to use, but a smaller version than the lotion.

So far I haven't got anything negative to say about Sukin.

Have you tried Sukin? What's your favourite Sukin product? 

What midsummer means to me

Friday, 19 June 2015

Midsummer's here!
Being Swedish midsummer doesn't pass by unnoticed. In Sweden is a big celebration for everyone and why wouldn't you celebrate 24hr sunshine when living in a place that in the winter there's 24hr darkness.

So how do we celebrate? Most people leave town, dance around a pole and get really really drunk.
I've never been into celebrating a very traditional midsummer, but there're certain things that I love about midsummer. It's the best time of the year in Sweden and most of the things might not make sense to an outsider. I guess that's what makes it Swedish.
I've decided to list what midsummer is to me.

1. Pole dancing
At midsummer, pole dancing means something completely different in Sweden (midsummer pole) We take two big poles put them together into a cross and cover them in flowers. We then mass dance around it. The bigger the ring the better. Our favourite is the frog dance and everyone's involved from toddlers to grandpa.

2. Strawberries
Around midsummer, we eat a lot of strawberries. I mean a lot no a lot. I don't think you can celebrate midsummer without strawberries. We also cover all cakes in strawberries. In the month of June I normally eat at least 1ltr of strawberries a day until the end of the month I start getting rashes because clearly I've overdosed.

3. Sun shines at night
24hr the sun. That means the sun is shining for 24 hours. It doesn't get dark at all. It's amazing. You'll never know what the time is without looking at the clock and it's easy to forget to go to bed. The best is to sit outside with a great friend, a bottle of wine and just talk all night and before you know it, it's 6 am and you had no idea.
One of the most magical things I've ever seen is a sunset and sunrise at the same time. It's breathtaking.

4. Flowers
Picking flowers is something most people do at midsummer. You'll need flowers for the midsummer pole, the flower crowns for your hair and of course plenty of flower bouquets everywhere. In Sweden, we're allowed to pick flowers wherever as we have the "allemansrätt". Meaning we have the right to use the land even if it doesn't belong to us.

5. Rain
For some reason, it always rains on midsummer. If for some reason it doesn't snow.  (That does happen )
It's very few midsummers that's actually sunny and very warm but when it is, it's heaven.

That is my five things that come to my mind when I think of midsummer and I can't wait to celebrate this weekend with lots of strawberries and, of course, Swedish cider. No summer without Swedish cider.

What do you think about midsummer? 

How To... Make A Midsummer Crown (Midsommarkrans)

Tuesday, 16 June 2015

In this video me and my friend Jess are showing you how to do a Swedish midsummer crown (midsommarkrans ).

Perfect for midsummer or any other events this summer.

Hope you enjoy it!❤

Click here to watch my last vlog:


You'll need:
1.Twig from Birch tree or a wire.
2.Green wire

Start with wrapping the wire around the twig and then adding few flowers at the time and just secure them with the wire. You can use whatever flowers you'll like.
To finish the crown off you secure both end of the twig with the wire and you're done.

Thank you for watching and please don't forget to subscribe.


Summers biggest hair trend

Sunday, 14 June 2015

Plaits are everywhere this summer. I couldn't be happier because I love wearing my hair in all different type of plaits. I can't get enough of plaits. It can make your hair look so much more interesting and perfect for all the weddings and other outings this summer. Below is some inspiration from Pinterest on some of my favourite plaits. 

For more inspiration follow me on 

So what are you waiting for? Plait your hair. What are your favourite plait? How do you normally wear your hair? 

My Top five festival hair essentials

Friday, 12 June 2015

Summer is here and that means festival season. Festivals are so much fun filled with music, friends and great memories. I've put together a list of my hair essentials for your festival hair, because let's be honest, it's not going to be washed for a few days and you still want to look your best, right? 

1. Dry shampoo
This is a lifesaver to your hair. When you can't wash it, at least it won't smell and look too bad with this. You'll thank me later. 

2. Hair bobbles 
At some point you're going to want to put it up and out of the way. Don't forget your hair bobbles. Perfect for those messy buns. 

3. Bobby pins 
Great to have to hands if you want to do an easy and quick up do. Check out my video on some quick and easy festival hair styles. 

4. Hair accessories 
Great to add some fun to your festival look. For festival hair it's all about feathers and flowers. Make sure you pack some nice hair bands as well.

5. Hat 
A hat will save you at its worst and not only protect you from the sun damage and heat stroke. A great alternative is a scarf. 

For some festival hair style ideas please check my last video out

I hope this was helpful. What are some of the things you make sure to bring with you to festivals? 

How To: Quick & Easy Hair Styles - Festival Edition | Sara Steele

Tuesday, 9 June 2015

In this video I'll be showing 3 easy hairstyles that are perfect for festivals this summer.

Hope you enjoy it!❤

Click here to watch my last vlog:

Hair Styles

1. Milk maid braid
2. Hippie plait
3. Tuck and roll

I also show you some of the hair essentials to bring with you to your festival. So what are you waiting for? Go on and have loads of fun.

Hair Products Essentials

1. Dry Shampoo
(Fresh hair - Kevin Murphy)
2. Hair bobble - H&M
3. Bobby pins - hair tools
4. Hair accessories - Claire's accessorize

Thank you so much for watching! ❤

Check out my social platforms

Sunday, 7 June 2015

Hope you are having a wonderful sunday. Thank you for reading my blog. It means a lot to me.

Did you know you can follow me on

To see what I'm up to on a normal day to day. I cover anything from hairstyles I do, clothes I wear, beauty stuff, running and just showing off beautiful parts of the world, mainly London and Sweden and most importantly food. So come and join me.

And don't forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel

Please comment and let me know if there's anything you want to see on my blog. 

May Favourties!!!! Icecream & Eyeliner

Tuesday, 2 June 2015

Another month is gone and here I'm showing you my favourites from the month of May. It's some of the things I've enjoyed this month.

Hope you enjoy it!❤

Click here to watch my last vlog:


1. Foundation cold - Maria Åkerberg
2. Eyeliner black - Maria Åkerberg
3. Tesco's Free From ice cream cones
4. Cleansing balm - Suti
5. Organic cotton Jeans - Weekdays
6. Giant Tea mug - Indiska
7. Half Marathon Medal - Run Hackney

Thank you so much for watching! ❤

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